Reversals or Abrupt Changes in Fashion Styles Are a Result of Which Response to Fashion ?

i. Прочитайте следующие слова и словосочетания вслух и определите их значение:

aesthetics, accessories, latitudes, wear, garment, market, consumer, range, combinations, patterns, conventional, occasions, specifically, haute couture, bespoke tailoring, mass marketplace, coincidental, every-day wear, freelance designer, directly, manufacturers, selfemployed, wearing apparel, muslin, via, precise, painstaking, accurateness, operational outfit, concept, technicality, according, predominantly, fix-to-article of clothing, quantities, customers, kitsch, high-waisted trousers, bridal.

ii. Прочитайте и переведите следующие глаголы:

to anticipate, to require, to influence, to attempt, to satisfy, to want, to consider, to design, to bear, to found, to sketch, to drape, to satisfy, to depend, to figure out, to divide upward, to guarantee.

3. Подберите эквивалентный перевод словосочетаний из колонки A в колонке В.

four. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


Style design is the fine art of the application of design and aesthetics or natural beauty to clothing and accessories. Way design is influenced by cultural and social latitudes, and has varied over time and place. Fashion designers work in a number of means in designing article of clothing and accessories. Some piece of work lonely or as part of a squad. They attempt to satisfy consumer desire for aesthetically designed clothing; and, because of the time required to bring a garment onto the market, must at times conceptualize changing consumer tastes.

Mode designers attempt to design dress which are functional too as aesthetically pleasing. They must consider who is likely to wearable a garment and the situations in which it will be worn. They have a broad range and combinations of materials to piece of work with and a broad range of colors, patterns and styles to choose from. Though near clothing worn for everyday wear falls within a narrow range of conventional styles, unusual garments are usually sought for special occasions, such equally evening habiliment or party dresses.

Some wearing apparel are made specifically for an individual, equally in the case of haute couture or bespoke tailoring. Today, virtually habiliment is designed for the mass market, peculiarly coincidental and every-day wear. Fashion designers can work in a number of many ways. Fashion designers may piece of work full-fourth dimension for i style as 'in-house designers' which owns the designs. They may work alone or every bit office of a team. Freelance designers piece of work for themselves, selling their designs to mode houses, direct to shops, or to clothing manufacturers. The garments bear the heir-apparent's characterization. Some manner designers fix upward their ain labels, under which their designs are marketed. Some way designers are self-employed and blueprint for private clients. Other high-fashion designers cater to specialty stores or high-fashion department stores. These designers create original garments, equally well every bit those that follow established fashion trends. Most mode designers, still, work for dress manufacturers, creating designs of men's, women's, and children's fashions for the mass marketplace. Large designer brands which have a 'name' as their brand such as Abercrombie & Fitch, Justice, or Juicy are likely to exist designed by a squad of individual designers under the direction of a designer managing director.

Designing a garment. Fashion designers work in different ways. Some sketch their ideas on paper, while others pall cloth on a dress form. When a designer is completely satisfied with the fit of the toile (or muslin), he or she will consult a professional pattern maker who and then makes the finished, working version of the pattern out of carte or via a computerized arrangement. The pattern maker's task is very precise and painstaking. The fit of the finished garment depends on their accurateness. Finally, a sample garment is made up and tested on a model to make sure it is an operational outfit. Myriam Chalek, owner and founder of Creative Business House explains that almost of the time mode designers only have a mode concept; the technicality and construction is not thought through during the visual formulation and sketching process. Hence, the fashion designer needs to run into with a pattern maker and sample maker to effigy out if the sketch on paper tin can be brought to life according its vision.

Types of manner. The garments produced past clothing manufacturers fall into three primary categories, although these may be split up into additional, more specific categories:

i. Haute couture. Until the 1950s, fashion clothing was predominately designed and manufactured on a made-to-measure or haute couture basis (French for high-sewing), with each garment beingness created for a specific client. A couture garment is made to order for an individual customer, and is unremarkably fabricated from highquality, expensive material, sewn with farthermost attention to item and cease, often using time-consuming, hand-executed techniques. Await and fit take priority over the cost of materials and the time it takes to make.

2. Ready-to-wear (pret-a-porter). Ready-to-vesture clothes are a cross betwixt haute couture and mass market. They are non fabricated for private customers, simply great intendance is taken in the choice and cut of the cloth. Wearing apparel are made in pocket-sized quantities to guarantee exclusivity, and then they are rather expensive. Fix-to-clothing collections are usually presented by style houses each season during a period known every bit Fashion Calendar week. This takes identify on a city-wide basis and occurs twice a twelvemonth. The main seasons of Fashion Week include, jump/summertime, fall/winter, resort, swim and conjugal.

3. Mass market. Currently the fashion industry relies more on mass marketplace sales. The mass market caters for a wide range of customers, producing ready set past the famous names in fashion. They oftentimes expect around a season to make sure a mode is going to catch on before producing their own versions of the original look. In order to save coin and time, they apply cheaper fabrics and simpler production techniques which can easily be done by car. The terminate product can therefore be sold much more cheaply.

There is a type of design called"kutch"design originated from the German word"kitschig"meaning"ugly"or"not aesthetically pleasing."Kitsch can besides refer to"wearing or displaying something that is therefore no longer in style."Oft, high-waisted trousers, associated with the 1980s, are considered a"kitsch"way argument.

v. Закончите предложения, используя следующие слова: way, haute couture , mass marketplace, flavor, garment.

→ Сasual and every-day habiliment is designed for…

→ A… garment is made specifically for the wearer's measurements and body opinion.

→ They must consider who is likely to wear a… and the situations in which it volition be worn.

→ Some… designers are self-employed and design for private clients.

→ Set-to-wear collections are usually presented by manner houses each… during a period known as Fashion Calendar week.

6. Сопоставьте следующие понятия:

7. Прочитайте, переведите и озаглавьте текст.

London has long been the uppercase of the Britain fashion manufacture and has a wide range of strange designs which have integrated with modern British styles. Typical British design is smart but innovative yet recently has become more and more unconventional, fusing traditional styles with mod techniques. Vintage styles play an important role in the British manner and styling manufacture. Stylists regularly 'mix and match' the old with the new, which gives British fashion that unique, bohemian artful that many of the other fashion capitals try to imitate. Irish fashion (both design and styling) is also heavily influenced by fashion trends from Britain. Famous British brands and designers include Burberry, Alexander McQueen, Mulberry, Stella McCartney and Vivienne Westwood.


8. Переведите следующие предложения письменно.

1. Первым в истории кутюрье традиционно считается модельер, создатель Синдиката Высокой моды Чарльз Фредерик Уорт.

2. С точки зрения искусства мода близка к концептуальному искусству, поскольку она заключается в сочетании различных элементов (прическа, материал одежды, фасон, колор, аксессуары), создающих образ.

3. Мода — это форма безобразия, настолько невыносимого, что мы вынуждены изменять ее каждые полгода. (О. Уайльд).

iv. Одежда производится в небольших количествах, чтобы гарантировать эксклюзивность, так что они довольно дорогие.

five. На сегодняшний день наибольшая часть одежды рассчитана на массовый рынок, в особенности для удобной и повседневной носки.

9. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту упражнения 4.

→ What is the function of way designers?

→ What kind of garments can you proper noun 'haute couture'?

→ What blazon of collections are presented each season during a period known as Fashion Week?

→ How does Myriam Chalek explain the designing process?

10. Перескажите текст упражнения iv, используя фразы в приложении.

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