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Home » French Composers » Rameau

Jean-Philippe Rameau


Video from French republic: Rameau 250th anniversary. There were no historically-informed stagings nor historical trip the light fantastic in any of the productions.

The Rameau Project at Oxford University - There will half-dozen performances of Rameau operas with Edith Lalonger and her baroque trip the light fantastic toe troupe, Les Plaisirs des Nations.

Jean-Philippe Rameau: International Anniversary Conference. St. Hilda's College, Oxford. 11-xiv September 2014. Programme (pdf).

Biography from the New Grove ii

Rameau'southward Modified Meantone Temperament on Nigel Taylor'south Tuning Page

Jean-Philippe Rameau - "Euclide Orphée" - Includes discography

Jean-Philippe Rameau Discography

Oeuvres lyriques parodiées (1669-1752) - liste de travail en cours

Yahoo! Group: JeanPhilippeRameau [Latest messages]

Recent Recordings

Rameau. Pygmalion. Pygmalion, Les Fêtes de Polymnie (suite). Aparté AP 155 (1 CD, September 2017). Booklet (pdf). Christophe Rousset, Les Talens Lyriques, Arnold Schoenberg Chor. Pygmalion: Cyrille Dubois, tenor; Céphise: Marie-Claude Chappuis, mezzo-soprano; La Statue: Céline Scheen, soprano; 50'Amour: Eugénie Warner, soprano. US | United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Le Temple de la Gloire (Versailles 1745, revised Paris version 1746). Ricercar RIC 363 (2 CDs, November 2015). Details. Booklet (pdf). Guy Van Waas, Les Agrémens, Choeur de Chambre de Namur. Lydie / Plautine: Judith Van Wanroij, soprano; Une Bergère / Une Bacchante / Junie: Katia Velletaz, soprano; Arsine / Erigone / La Gloire: Chantal Santon-Jeffrey, soprano; Apollon / Bacchus / Trajan: Mathias Vidal, tenor; L'Envie / Bélus / Le One thousand-Prêtre de la Gloire: Alain Buet, bass. This is the first complete recording of the 1746 version, heavily revised by Rameau to adapt Voltaire's allegorical drama for Versailles into a lyrical opera with greater public appeal. (Information technology also failed.) From the liner annotation by Julien Dubrugque: "The Namur Chamber Choir, Les Agrémens and Guy Van Waas have respected the score completely in this recording; today this is a rare occurrence, for Rameau's music is likewise often disfigured by exactly those who merits to belong to the movement for historically informed performance. Here the ports de voix or appoggiature are long and not brusque; the harpsichord plays only when Rameau has indicated this with a figured bass in the score, this being when at that place are soloists to accompany instead of tinkling away continuously and industriously. In Rameau, the basso continuo is as a rule absent from choruses and purely instrumental sections. Guy Van Waas has not allowed himself to add various folk percussion instruments to each dance." US | Great britain | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau, Courbois, Lambert. Ariane & Orphée. Muso MU 009 (1 CD, Oct 2015). Details. Hasnaa Bennani, soprano. Domitille Gilon, Ensemble Stravaganza. Rameau, Orphée (1721). Courbois, Ariane (1710). Lambert, Onbre de mon amant (1689). Plus instrumental works by Marais and Jacquet de la Guerre. United states | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Anacréon (Ballet héroique 1754) - libretto past Louis de Cahusac - completely unlike from the previously recorded 1757 Anacréon. Signum SIGCD 402 (1 CD, September 2015). Booklet (pdf). Jonathan Williams, OAE. Anacréon: Matthew Brook, bass; Chloë: Anna Dennis, soprano; Bathylle: Agustín Prunell-Friend, tenor. United states | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Anacréon (Comédie-ballet 1757) & Le Berger fidèle (1728) - Anacréon libretto by Pierre-Joseph-Justin Bernard, composed as an additional third act to Les Surprises de l'Amour for a 1757 revival. (Included in the d'Herin recording of Les Surprises de l'Amour.) DG-Archiv 449 211 (1 CD 1997). Marc Minkowski, Les Musiciens du Louvre. Pretresse & Le Berger fidèle: Véronique Gens, soprano; 50'Flirtation: Annick Massis, soprano; Agathocle: Rodrigo Del Pozo, haute-contre; Anacréon: Thierry Félix, baritone. US | U.k. | FR | DE | CA | JP
Reissued on Bright 93930 (2009). Libretto (French only - pdf). US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Anacréon (Comédie-ballet 1757). Harmonia Mundi HM 1090 (1 LP, 1982). Reissued on HMA 1901090 (i CD). Booklet (pdf). French-English libretto from LP (pdf). William Christie, Les Arts Florissants. Pretresse: Jill Feldman, soprano; L'Flirtation: Agnès Mellon, soprano; Agathocle: Dominique Visse, haute-contre; Convive: Michel Laplénie, tenor; Anacréon: René Schirrer, baritone. US | Great britain | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Zaïs (Pastorale héroïque, Paris 1748). Aparté AP 109 (3 CDs, September 2015). Booklet (pdf). Details. Video. Christophe Rousset, Les Talens Lyriques, Choeur de Chambre de Namur. Zaïs: Julian Prégardien, tenor; Zélidie: Sandrine Piau, soprano; Oromasès: Aimery Lefèvre, baritone; Cindor: Benoît Arnould, baritone; Une Sylphide / La Grande Prêtresse de L'Amour: Amel Brahim-Djelloul, soprano; L'Amour: Hasnaa Bennani, soprano; Un Sylphe: Zachary Wilder, tenor. Highly recommended, based on the November 2014 radio circulate from Amsterdam, which featured substantially the same cast, except that Marie Arnet replaced Sandrine Piau every bit Zélidie. U.s. | Britain | FR | DE | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Castor & Pollux. 1754 version. Harmonia Mundi (2 CDs, March 2015). Booklet (pdf). Raphaël Pichon, Pygmalion. Cléone: Sabine Devieilhe, soprano; Télaïre: Emmaunuelle de Negri, soprano; Phébé: Clémentine Margaine, mezzo-soprano; Castor: Colin Ainsworth, haute-contre; Pollux: Florian Sempey, baritone; Jupiter: Christian Immler, bass. US | Britain | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Les Fêtes de Polymnie (Paris 1745). Glossa GCD 923502 (ii CDs, January 2015). Booklet (pdf). Video. György Vashegyi, Orfeo Orchestra, Purcell Choir. Stratonice, Oriade: Véronique Gens, soprano; Mnémosine, Hébé, Argélie: Aurélia Legay, soprano; Polymnie, une Nymphe: Emöke Baráth, soprano; Le Chef des Arts, Alcide, Antiochus: Mathias Vidal, tenor; Jupiter, Séleucus, Zimès: Thomas Dolié, baritone; Le Destin: Domonkos Blazsó, bass; La Victoire: Márta Stefanik, soprano. US | U.k. | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Pièces de Clavecin. Hyperion CDA 68071/72 (2 CDs, November 2014). Details. Mahan Esfahani, 1636/1763 Ruckers/Hemsch harpsichord, recently restored by Miles Helon. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. The Sound of Calorie-free - Opera excerpts. Sony (1 CD, Oct 2014). Teodor Currentzis, Musicaeterna. Nadine Koutcher, soprano; Alexei Svetov, bass. Performed at a=430, whereas French opera pitch was a=392. Woodwind shortage in Russia? Sony 88875014502. US | U.k. | FR | DE | CA | JP
Sony 88843082572. Usa | Great britain | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Rameau à la turque. dhm (one CD, Oct 2014). Musica Sequenza. US | Great britain | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Les Fêtes de l'Hymen et de l'Flirtation ou les dieux d'Égypte (Versailles 1747). Glossa GCD 921629 (2 CDs, September 2014). Video. Hervé Niquet, Le Concert Spirituel. Orthésie / Orie: Chantal Santon-Jeffrey, soprano; L'Amour / Memphis / Une Première Egyptienne / Une Bergère égyptienne: Carolyn Sampson, soprano; L'Hymen / Une Egyptienne / Une Seconde Egyptienne: Blandine Staskievicz, soprano; Myrrine: Jennifer Borgui, mezzo-soprano; Un Plaisir / Agéris / Aruéris: Mathias Vidal, tenor; Osiris / United nations Berger égyptien / Un Egyptien: Reinoud van Mechelen, tenor; Canope: Tassis Christoyannis, bass; Le Grand-Prêtre / Un Egyptien: Alan Buet, bass. International edition. United states of america | Britain | FR | DE | CA | JP
French edition with book. FR

Rameau. Cantates et pièces de clavecin en concerts. Naïve V5377 (ane CD, September 2014). Video. Booklet (pdf). Héloïse Gaillard, Amarillis. Mathias Vidal, tenor. Us | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau'southward Funeral. Rameau. Music from Castor et Pollux, Dardanus & Zoroastre. Jean Gilles. Messe des Morts (Version Paris 1764). Paradizo (1 CD, September 2014). Booklet (pdf). Skip Sempé, Capriccio Stravagante, Les 24 Violons, Collegium Vocale Gent. Judith van Wanroij, soprano; Robert Getchell, haute-contre; Juan Sancho, tenor; Lisandro Abadie, bass. U.s.a. | Uk | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Les Indes Galantes. Musiques à la Chabotterie 605013 (iii CDs, May 2014). Details. Booklet (pdf). Hugo Reyne, La Simphonie du Marais. Valérie Gabail, soprano; Stéphanie Révidat, soprano; Reinoud Van Mechelen, haute-contre; François Nicolas Geslot, haute-contre; Aimery Lefèvre, baritone; Sydney Fierro, bass. Highly recommended! A fine performance and recording, fabricated in the Vienna Konzerthaus the 24-hour interval earlier the performance with some movements from the performance, including the encore -- a rollicking reprise of "Les Sauvages" with war whoops and audience participation. From Hugo Reyne'south liner notes about producing a new edition: "Actually, the study of the sources and the making of our ain edition of Les Indes galantes enabled us to restore the sequence of the Prologue, and that of the Ballet des Fleurs, to restore some deletions and cuts, while cutting some post creation additions, to put dorsum 1 air hitherto unreleased on CD (Bellona's air 'C'est la gloire'), to reassemble together some viola pieces (Adoration du soleil and Tremblement de terre in Les Incas). I: 77:21; Two: 58:21; III: 65:45. Text in French but -- English (first-class) and German translations were included with the 1991 Christie box set. My favorite recent recording - I've listened five times already. For comparison, here is a link to Campra'southward L'Europe Galante (1697), which has many similarities to its illustrious successor, including a Turkish entrée. (This CD wasn't released in the U.Due south. and now seems to be out of print.) United states | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Rameau chez Madame de Pompadour. NoMadMusic (one CD, May 2014). Details. Booklet (pdf). Patrick Cohën-Akenine, Les Folies Françoises, l'Atellier Lyrique de l'Opéra national de Paris. United kingdom | FR | DE

Rameau. Les Surprises de l'Amour (Opéra-ballet 1748, revised 1758 to omit prologue and include the 2d Anacréon). Glossa GCD 922701 (iii CDs, September 2013). Details. Booklet (pdf). Sébastien d'Hérin, Les Nouveaux Caractères. Karine Deshayes, mezzo-soprano; Virginie Pochon, soprano; Caroline Mutel, soprano; Jean-Sébastien Bou, baritone; Amel Brahim-Djelloul, soprano; Pierre-Yves Pruvot, baritone; Anders Dahlin, tenor. United states | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Dardanus. (Tragédie lyrique, 2d version 1744). Alpha 951 (2 CDs, September 2013). Details. Video. Booklet (pdf). Raphaël Pichon, L'Ensemble Pygmalion. Dardanus: Emiliano González-Toro, tenor; Vénus: Sabine Devieihle, soprano; Iphise: Gaëlle Arquez, soprano; Anténor: Benoît Arnould, baritone; Isménor: Andrew Foster-Williams, bass; Teucer: Alain Buet, tenor; Amour: Emmanulle de Negri, soprano; Arcas: Romain Champion, tenor. U.s. | U.k. | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Die Goldene Gambe - Pièces de clavecin en concerts. dhm (1 CD, October 2013). Details. Ensemble Fleury. Patrick Ayrton, harpsichord; Lisa-Marie Landgraf, violin; Heidi Gröger, 8-cord viola da gamba built past Tilman Muthesius subsequently the 1759 instrument by Benoît Fleury (1718/19-1792) for which Rameau is said to have equanimous the viol part. US | Great britain | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Les Amants trahis - Cantatas. Analekta AN 2 9991 (1 CD, March 2013). Booklet (pdf). Texts (pdf). Hélène Guilmette, soprano; Philippe Sly, baritone. Luc Beauséjour, conductor & harpsichord. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Naïs. Opéra pour la Paix, 1749. Musique à la Chabotterie. (Download merely, November 2012). Details. Booklet (pdf). Hugo Reyne, La Simphonie du Marais. Naïs: Mireille Delunsch, soprano; Flore (prologue) / Une Bergère: Dorothée Leclair, soprano; Neptune: Jean-Paul Fouchéchourt, haute-contre; Astérion: Matthias Vidal, haute-contre; Télénus: Arnaud Marzorati, baritone; Jupiter (prologue) / Tirésie: Alain Buet, bass; Pluton (prologue) / Palémon: Matthieu Helm, bass. A CD quality version previously could be downloaded in Europe from Gobuz just now has disappeared from the site. Amazon previously offered a MP3 download, but that likewise is gone. This represents a new low in classical record marketing!

Rameau. Symphonies à Deux Clavecins. Mirare MIR 164 (1 CD, August 2012). Booklet (pdf). Pierre Hantaï & Skip Sempé, harpsichords. US | U.k. | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau & Marchand. Pièces de clavecin. Ambronay AMY 032 (1 CD, March 2012). Booklet (pdf). Christophe Rousset, harpsichord. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. L'Orchestre de Louis 15 - Suites d'Orchestre. Alia Vox AVSA 9882 (ii CDs, June 2011). Jordi Savall, Le Concert des Nations. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Orchestral Suites - Zaïs, Hippolyte et Aricie. Crystal Classics (1 CD, May 2011). Michi Gaigg, L'Orfeo Barockorchester. U.s.a. | United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Les Surprises de fifty'Flirtation - opera transcriptions by Ludwig Christian Hesse (1716-1772). Blastoff 176 (1 CD, January 2011). Details (pdf) / Score. Booklet (pdf). Ensemble a Deux Violes Esgales. Monique Zanetti, soprano; Stephan Macleod, baritone; Jonathan Dunford, bass viol; Sylvia Abramowicz, bass viol; Pierre Trocellier, harpsichord. This manuscript, discovered by Jonathan Dunford in Berlin in 2007, includes previously unknown movements added past Rameau in subsequently performances. US | United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Les Paladins (Comédie lyrique, Paris 1760). Coviello COV 21013 (2 CDs, October 2010). Konrad Junghänel, Neue Düsseldorfer Hofmusik. Argie: Anna Virovlansky, soprano; Nérine: Iulia Elena Surdu, soprano; Orcan: Laimonas Pautientius, baritone; Atis/ Damon: Anders J. Dahlin, tenor; Anselme: Adrian Sâmpetrean, tenor; La fée Manto / Un Paladin: Thomas Michael Allen, tenor. Livret in French only. If anyone rips the English translation from the unwatchable DVDs of a mod production of Les Paladins, in which a lavishly compensated mediocrity used Rameau'southward music to accompany assorted frenetic circus and ghetto acts, I would much appreciate receiving a copy. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Pygmalion (Acte de ballet, 1748) / Fifty'Impatience. Centaur CRC 3011 (one CD, September 2010). Details (pdf). James Richman, Concert Royal. Rebecca Choate Beasley, soprano; Ava Pine, soprano; Jennifer Lane, mezzo-soprano; Mathias Vidal, tenor. United states of america | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Pièces de Clavecin en Concerts. Atma 2624 (1 CD, April 2010). Olivier Fortin, Ensemble Masques. The states | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Opera Arrogance Transcribed for Organ. Blastoff 650 (1 CD, Feb 2010). Details. Yves Rechsteiner, Moucherel organ of Cintegabelle. From Rechsteiner's arrangements of Rameau works for organ, published by Le Chant du Monde. The states | Britain | FR | DE | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Concerts mis en simphonie - version orchestrée des pièces de clavecin (1741). Musiques à la Chabotterie (1 CD, April 2009). Hugo Reyne, La Simphonie du Marais. Collection Rameau Vol. 2. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Que les mortels servent de modèle aux dieux... - Arias from Zaïs & Zoroastre. Blastoff 142 (1 CD, March 2009). Details. Frédérick Haas, Ausonia. Eugénie Warnier, soprano; Arnaud Richard, baritone. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. La Pantomime - Pièces de Clavecin. Paradizo (i CD + 1 DVD, 2008). Skip Sempé & Olivier Fortin, harpsichords. US | United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Les Indes Galantes. Naïve (1 CD, March 2009). Christophe Rousset, harpsichord. US | Britain | FR | DE | CA | JP

Rameau. Fifty'art de Jélyotte, Haute contre - Extraits d'Opéras. Naxos (1 CD, September 2007). Jean-Paul Fouchécourt, haute-contre. Ryan Brown, Opera Lafayette. Arias from Platée, La Guirlande de fleurs, Naïs, Castor et Pollux, Dardanus & Zoroastre. United states | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Clérambault & Rameau. Orphée. Zig-Zag Territoires (ane CD, Oct 2007). Details. Cyril Auvity, tenor, 50'Yriade. UK | FR | DE | JP

Rameau & Campra. French Cantatas. BIS 1495 (1 CD, April 2007). London Baroque. Peter Harvey, baritone; Philippa Hyde, soprano. Rameau: Les Amants trahis, Aquilon et Orithie, Thétis, Air à boire. Campra: Les Femmes. US | U.k. | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Dardanus. Tragédie lyrique, 1739. ABC Classics 02I024 (2 CDs 2006). CD Booklet (pdf). Antony Walker, Orchestra of the Antipodes, Cantillation. Dardanus: Paul Agnew, tenor; Vénus: Penelope Mills, soprano; Iphise: Kathyrn McCusker, soprano; Anténor: Paul Whelan, baritone; Isménor: Damian Whiteley, bass; Teucer: Stephen Bennett, tenor; Une Phrygienne: Miriam Allan, mezzo-soprano. This heavily cut production is based on the  original 1739 version, with additions from afterwards versions. The superb recording past Minkowski is of the complete 1739 version. US | U.k. | FR | DE | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. La Naissance d'Osiris ou La Fête Pamille (Acte de ballet, 1754). Musiques à la Chabotterie MC002 (1 CD, August 2006). Booklet (pdf). Hugo Reyne, La Simphonie du Marais. Pamille: Stéphanie Révidat, soprano; Une bergère: Celine Ricci, soprano; Un berger: François-Nicolas Geslot, haute-contre; Le grand prêtre: Bertrand Chuberre, bass-baritone; Jupiter: Florian Westphal, bass. Drove Rameau vol. 1. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Lully, Campra, Rameau, Mondonville, Leclair, Royer, Gluck. Tragédiennes. Virgin 946 34672 2 9 (one CD, Apr 2006). Véronique Gens, soprano. Christophe Rousset, Les Talens Lyriques. United states of america | Uk | FR | DE | CA | JP

Musical Portrait: Maurice Quentin de La Tour (1704-1788). Virgin Veritas 5456672 (1 CD, August 2004). Details. Olivier Baumont, harpsichord. Composers include Balbastre, Barrière, Forqueray, Duphly, Rameau, François Couperin, Racot de Grandval, Mondonville & Parant. Music by friends of Quentin de La Tour, who was married to the soprano Marie Fel. Performed on the earliest (1750) of the iii surviving Stehlin harpsichords, which is owned by the museum that houses the La Tour drove, the Musée Antoine Lécuyer in Saint-Quentin. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Le Berger Fidèle, Thétis & Pièces de clavecin en concert. Alpha 067 (one CD, January 2005). Details. Karine Deshayes, soprano; Alain Buet, bass; Benjamin Lazar, recitant. Les Musiciens de Monsieur Croche. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Castor & Pollux. 1754 version. Naxos 8.660118/ix (2 CDs 2004). Kevin Mallon, Aradia Ensemble. Castor: Colin Ainsworth; Pollux: Joshua Hopkins; Télaïre: Monica Whicher; Phébé: Meredith Hall; Cléone: Renée Winick. US | UK | FR | DE | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Opera & Ballet Transcriptions. Ambitus Satirino 031 (one CD, November 2003). Transcriptions by Rameau, Balbastre and Weiss from Castor & Pollux, Dardanus, Les Indes Gallantes & Pygmalion. Kenneth Weiss, harpsichord. United states of america | United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland | FR | DE | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Intégrale des Pièces de Clavecin. Harmonia Mundi Ibérica HMI 987039/40 (2 CDs 2003). Michel Kiener, harpsichord. U.s. | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Half dozen Concerts en sextuor. Decca 467 699-2 (1 CD, September 2003). Christophe Rousset, Les Talens Lyriques. Us | Uk | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Zoroastre. Tragédie-lyrique, 1749 (1756). Erato 0927431822 (3 CDs 2003). Booklet (pdf). William Christie, Les Arts Florissants. Zoroastre: Marking Padmore, haute-contre; Amélite: Gaëlle Méchaly, soprano; Abramane: Nathan Berg, bass; Erinice: Anna Maria Panzarella, soprano; Zopire / La Vengeance: Mattheiu Lécroart, bass; Céphie: Stéphanie Révidat, soprano; Narbanor: François Bazola, bass; Oromasès / Ariman: Éric Martin Bonnet, bass. Unfortunately, the original 1749 version remains unrecorded. This is some other recording of the 1756 version, as revised past Rameau to appease critics. It is preferable in about every respect to the 1983 Kuijken recording, reflecting the tremendous advances in early music functioning in the intervening twenty years and indeed may be the finest Rameau opera recording currently available. Highly recommended! (The booklet enclosed with the dhm LP set included a facsimile of the 1756 libretto, then it might be worth checking used LP sources for a re-create even if you lot don't own an operable turntable.) US | Uk | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Intégrale des Pièces de clavecin seul et en concerts. Zig-Zag Territoires ZZT0103101/iv (4 CDs, 2001). Blandine Rannou, harpsichord. Valérie Balssa, flute; Catherine Girard, violin; Emmanuel Balssa, viol. Usa | U.k. | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Sibaris. Pierre Verany 700012 (i CD). Franck-Emmanuel Comte, Le Concert de l'Hostel Dieu. Noémi Rime, François Bazola, Valérie Rio, Philippe Noncle. U.s.a. | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Recommended Recordings

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Pièces de clavecin. L'Oiseau Lyre 425 886 (2 CDs 1991). Christophe Rousset. Overall, my favorite recording. Sensational performance of the unmeasured prelude. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Hippolyte et Aricie. Tragédie-lyrique, 1733. Erato 0630155172 (3 CDs 1997). Booklet (pdf). William Christie, Les Arts Florissants. Hippolyte: Mark Padmore; Aricie: Anna Maria Panzarella; Phèdre: Lorraine Hunt; Thésée: Laurent Naouri; Diane: Eirian James; Une Prêtresse / Une Bergère: Patrice Petibon; L'Amour / Une Matelote: Gaëlle Méchaly; Jupiter / Pluton / Neptune: Nathan Berg; United nations Suivant de L'Amour: Paul Agnew; La Grande Prêtresse / Une Chasseresse: Mireille Delunsch; Oenone: Katalin Károlyi; Arcas: Yann Beuron; Tisiphone: François Piolino; Première Parque: Christopher Josey; Deuxième Parque: Matthieu Lécroart; Troisième Parque: Bertrand Bontoux; Un Chasseur: David Le Monnier. Rameau's original, 1733 version, portions of which may never have been performed until now. Overall, the operation is somewhat more satisfying than Minkowski'due south, simply technically the recording is much amend. While, in the words of Campra, "there is enough music in that opera [Hippolyte] to make ten", my favorite is the air and rondeau "Plaisirs, doux vainqueurs" for a follower of Cupid in the Prologue, on this recording performed to nigh perfection past Paul Agnew. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Hippolyte et Aricie. Tragédie-lyrique, 1733. DG-Archiv 445 853-ii (3 CDs 1995). Marc Minkowski, Les Musiciens du Louvre. Aricie: Véronique Gens; Hippolyte: Jean-Paul Fouchécourt; Phèdre: Bernarda Fink; Thésée: Russell Smythe; Diane: Thérèse Feighan; L'Flirtation / Une Bergère / Une Matelote: Annick Massis; Pluton / Neptune / Jupiter: Laurent Naouri; Oenone: Florence Katz; Mercure / Arcas: Jean-Louis Georgel; Tisiphone: Luc Coadou; La Grande Prêtresse: Monique Simon; Un Suivant de L'Flirtation: Stephan Van Dyck; Une Prêtresse: Kiyoko Okada; Une Chasseresse: Meredith Hall; Parques: Jean-Louis Meunier, Jacques-François Loiseleur des Longchamps; Jérôme Varnier. Rameau'due south original, 1733 version, with selected additions and revisions from subsequent versions. A great leap frontward (actually backward) from the pioneering 1978 J.-C. Malgoire / English language Bach Festival recording on CBS LPs, merely spoiled past a technically poor recording. The states | Britain | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Les Indes Gallantes. Opéra-ballet, 1735. Harmonia Mundi HMC 901367 (3 CDs 1991). Booklet (pdf). William Christie. Les Arts Florissants. Hébé / Zima: Claron McFadden; 50'Flirtation / Phani: Isabelle Poulenard; Zaïre: Sandrine Piau; Fatime: Noémi Rime; Valère / Damon: Howard Cheat; Don Carlos / Tacmas: Jean-Paul Fouchécourt; Émilie: Miriam Ruggeri; Osman / Adario: Nicolas Rivenq; Huascar / Don Alvar: Bernard Delétré, Bellone / Ali: Jérôme Correas. Don't let the bizarre, un-HIP staging depicted on the comprehend put you off. The musical performance is excellent. Includes Les Sauvages, which Rameau added when he published the score minus recitatives. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Les Indes Gallantes - transcriptions originals pour clavecin. Harmonia Mundi HM 1028 (i LP 1979), reissued on HMA 1901028 (1 CD). Kenneth Gilbert, Donzelague harpsichord (Lyon 1716). US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Brush et Pollux. Tragédie-lyrique, 1737. Harmonia Mundi HMC 901435 (3 CDs 1993). Booklet (pdf). William Christie, Les Arts Florissants. Télaïre: Agnes Mellon; Phébé: Véronique Gens; Une Suivante d'Hébé / Un Plaisir: Sophie Daneman; Brush: Howard Crook; Pollux: Jérôme Correas; Fifty'Amour / Le Thousand-Prêtre: Mark Padmore; Minerve: Claire Brua; Mars / Jupiter: René Schirrer; Deux Athlètes: Jean-Claude Sarragosse & Adrian Brand.  The original 1737 version, which Rameau severely edited in response to criticism. United states | Great britain | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Castor et Pollux. Version de Chambre de 1754. Astrée E 8624 (2 CDs 1998). Jean-François Frisch, XVIII-21 Musique de Lumières. Télaïre / Mercure: Cyrille Gerstenhaber; Phébé: Brigitte Vinson; Cléone / Une Ombre / Une Suivante d'Hébé: Claudine Le Coz; Castor: Christophe Einhorn; Pollux: Jérôme Correas; Jupiter / Le Yard-Prêtre / Un Spartiate: Philippe Cantor; Un athlète / Une Ombre: Serge Goubioud; Une Ombre / Une Suivante d'Hébé: Sandrine Rondot. US | Great britain | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Dardanus. Tragédie lyrique, 1739. DG-Archiv 463476-2 (2 CDs 2000). Marc Minkowski, Les Musiciens du Louvre. Dardanus: John Marker Ainsley, tenor; Vénus: Mireille Delunsch, soprano; Iphise: Véronique Gens, soprano; Anténor: Laurent Naouri, baritone; Isménor: Jean-Philippe Courtis, bass; Teucer: Russell Smythe, tenor; L'Amour / United nations Plaisir / Seconde Phrygienne: Françoise Masset, mezzo-soprano; Une Bergère / Première Phrygienne: Magdalena Kožená, mezzo-soprano; United nations Phrygien: Jean-Louis Bindi, bass. Highly recommended! The original 1739 version, which Rameau heavily revised in 1744 in response to criticism. US | Great britain | DE | FR | CA | JP

Reissued on DG-Archiv Critics' Pick 4767250 (2005): US | Britain | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Les fêtes d'Hébé ou Les Talens Liriques. Opéra-ballet, 1739. Erato 398421064-two (2 CDs 1997). Booklet (pdf). William Christie, Les Arts Florissants. Sophie Daneman, Sarah Connolly, Gaëlle Méchaly, Jean-Paul Fouchécourt, Paul Agnew, Luc Coadou, Thierry Félix, Maryseult Wieczorek, Matthieu Lécroart, Laurant Slaars. The booklet includes a annotation by André Gabriel dit Parpaioun, who performs on galoubet (left manus) and tambourin (correct paw), shown in the comprehend illustration. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Platée. Ballet Bouffon, 1745. Erato 2292 450282 (ii CDs 1990). Marc Minkowski, Les Musiciens du Louvre. La Folie / Thalie: Jennifer Smith; Platée: Giles Ragon; Thespis / Mercure: Guy de Mey; Jupiter / Un Satyre: Vincent Le Texier; Junon: Guillemette Laurens; Cithéron / Momus (Prologue): Bernard Deletré, L'Amour / Clarine: Véronique Gens; Momus: Michel Verschaeve. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Platée. Ballet Bouffon, 1745. CBS M2K 44982 (ii CDs 1988). Jean-Claude Malgoire, La Grande Ecurie et La Chambre du Roy. La Folie / L'Amour: Isabelle Poulenard; Platée: Bruce Brewer; Thespis / Mercure: Giles Ragon; Jupiter: Chris de Moor; Un Satyre / Cithéron: Nicolas Rivenq; Junon: Christine Batty; Cithéron / Momus (Prologue): Jean-François Gardeil; Thalie / Clarine: Elisabeth Baudry; Momus: Bruno Boterf. United states
Reissued on Calliope CAL 9424/25 (2009). The states | United kingdom | FR | DE | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Le Temple de la Gloire. Opéra-ballet, 1745. Libretto by Voltaire. CBS D2 37858 (ii LPs 1982). Jean-Claude Malgoire, La Grande Ecurie et La Chambre du Roy. Lydie / Erigone / Plautine: Brigitte Bellamy; Fifty'Envie / Bélus / Le 1000 Prêtre: Gregory Reinhart; Bacchus / Trajan: John Elwes; Une Bergère / Une bacchante / Junie: Isabelle Poulenard. This is a recording of the revised version of 1746. The 1745 version cannot be reconstructed from surviving sources. US

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Zaïs. Ballet héroïque, 1748. STIL 1010 S 77/iv (4 LPs 1979), reissued on 1110 1810 2210 SAN 7 (iii CDs 1988). Gustav Leonhardt, La Petite Bande. Collegium Vocale Gent, managing director: Philippe Herreweghe. Zaïs: John Elwes; Zélidie: Marjanne Kweksilber; Oromasès: Max van Egmond; Cindor: David Thomas; Une Sylphide / La Grande Prêtresse de L'Amour: Mieke van der Sluis; Fifty'Amour: Jane Marsh; Un Sylphe: René Jacobs. The fine, analogue LP set includes a full-size, facsimile libretto. Britain | FR | DE | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Pigmalion. Acte de ballet, 1748. FNAC Music 592196 (ane CD 1993). Hervé Niquet, Le Concert Spirituel. Pigmalion: Jean-Paul Fouchécourt; Amour: Greta de Reyghere; Céphise: Nicole Fournié; Statue: Sandrine Piau. Plus three movements from La Temple de la Gloire. FR

Reissued (without the texts) on Virgin Veritas VM5615392: U.s. | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Naïs. Opéra pour la Paix, 1749. Erato STU 71439 (two LPs 1982), reissued every bit 4509 985322 (2 CDs). Nicolas McGegan, English Bach Festival Orchestra & Chorus. Naïs: Lynda Russell; Neptune: Ian Caley; Jupiter / Telenus: Ian Caddy; Pluton: John Tomlinson; Tiresie: Richard Jackson; Asterion: Brian Parsons; Palemon: Antony Ransome; Flore / Deuxième Bergère: Ann MacKay; Première Bergère: Jennifer Smith. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. La Guirlande ou Les Fleurs enchantées / Zéphyre. Actes de ballet, 1751 & 1754. Erato 8573857742 (ii CDs 2001). William Christie, Les Arts Florissants, Cappella Coloniensis. Sophie Daneman, Gaëlle Méchaly, Rebeca Ockenden, Sophie Decaudaveine, Paul Agnew, François Bazola. U.s. | United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Les Grands Motets. 1713-1715, 1751. FNAC Music 592096 (1 CD 1993). Hervé Niquet, Le Concert Spirituel. Véronique Gens, Isabelle Desrochers, Jean-Paul Fouchécourt, Hervé Lamy, Peter Harvey, Marcos Loureiro de Sá, Stephen Imbodem. FR

Reissued (without the texts) on Virgin Veritas VM5615262: US | Britain | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Les Grands Motets. 1713-1715, 1751. Erato 4509-96967-ii (1 CD 1994). Booklet (pdf). William Christie, Les Arts Florissants. Sophie Daneman, Noémi Rime, Paul Agnew, Nicolas Rivenq, Nicolas Cavallier. US | U.k. | DE | FR | CA | JP

Jean-Philippe Rameau. Complete Cantatas. ASV GAX 234 (2 CDs 1998). Les Amants Trahis / Aquilon et Orithie (2 versions) / Le Berger Fidèle / Cantate pour le Jour de Saint Louis / Fifty'Impatience / Orphée / Thétis. Gary Cooper, New Chamber Opera Ensemble. Rachel Elliott, soprano; James Gilchrist, tenor; Roderick Williams, baritone; Thomas Guthrie, bass. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP


Graham Sadler. The Operas of Jean-Philippe Rameau. Cambridge Academy Press. Details. Forthcoming. ISBN: 0521227739.

Christophe Rousset. Jean-Philippe Rameau. 172 pages. Actes Sud (September 2007). FR

Sylvie Bouissou, Denis Herlin & Pascal Denécheau. Jean-Philippe Rameau. Catalogue thématique des oeuvres musicales. Vol. 1: Musique instrumentale, musique vocale religieuse et profane. Details. 370 pages. CNRS Éditions (2007). FR | CA

Andrea Fabiano. La "Querelle des Bouffons" dans la vie culturelle française du Xviiie Siécle. Details. 277 pages. CNRS Editions, October 2005. FR

Sylvie Bouissou & Herlin Dennis. Jean-Philippe Rameau: Catalogue thématique des oeuvres musicales. Vol. two: Livrets. Details. 410 pages. CNRS 2003. The first of five volumes. FR | CA

Paul F. Rice. Fontainebleau Operas for the Courtroom of Louis Xv of France by Jean-Philippe Rameau. Details. 352 pages. Edwin Mellen Printing, 2004. US | United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland | DE | FR | CA | JP

Charles William Dill. Monstrous Opera: Rameau and the tragic tradition. Princeton University Press, 1998. Fascinating account and analysis of the public debates between Rameau and his critics and the underlying music. Repeatedly under attack, Rameau fabricated fundamental alterations to his operas to appease critics. The revised versions succeeded at the expense of the originality of the original versions, some of which are now existence revived for the first time. US | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Thomas Christensen. Rameau and Musical Thought in the Enlightenment. Cambridge University Printing, 2004 (1993). 346 pages. Usa | UK | DE | FR | CA | JP

Downing A. Thomas. Aesthetics of Opera in the Ancien Régime: 1647-1785. Cambridge University Press. 320 pages. January 2003. "This is the first study to recognise the wide affect of opera in early on-modern French culture. The writer considers the use of operatic spectacle and music past Louis 14 as a vehicle for absolutism; the resistance of music to the aesthetic and political agendas of the time; and the long-term development of opera in eighteenth-century humanist culture. He argues that French opera moved away from the politics of the absolute monarchy in which information technology originated to address Enlightenment concerns with sensibility and feeling. The book combines close readings of pregnant seventeenth-century and eighteenth-century operatic works, circumstantial writings and theoretical works on theatre and opera, together with a measure out of reception history. Thomas examines key works by Lully, Rameau, and Charpentier, among others, and extends his achieve from the late seventeenth century to the end of the eighteenth." US | U.k. | DE | FR | CA | JP

John Hajdu Heyer (ed.) Jean-Baptiste Lully and the Music of the French Baroque: Essays in Honor of James R. Anthony. Cambridge University Press, 1989. Includes an essential paper by Graham Sadler on Rameau'south self-borrowings. Us

James R. Anthony. French Baroque Music: From Beaujoyeulx to Rameau. 620 pages. Amadeus Press. Revised edition, 1997. US | UK | CA

Jérôme de La Gorce. Féeries d'opéra: Décors, machines et costumes en French republic 1645-1765. (In French.) 151 pages. Patrimoine. (1997). FR | CA

Xavier Salmon. Madame de Pompadour et les arts. (In French.) 543 pages. 600 illustrations, more than 250 in color. Based on an exposition held at Versailles in 2002. Éditions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux. (2002). FR | CA


Jean-Philippe Rameau, Opera Omnia. Sylvie Bouissou (ed. in master). At present underway. Available volumes published by Billaudot include Pièces de clavecin en concerts, Hippolyte et Aricie, Zoroastre (1749), Achante et Céphise, & Les surprises de l'flirtation. Subsequent volumes are existence published by Bärenreiter.

Copyright © 2002-2016 John Wall

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